Saturday, October 2, 2010


What’s in my mind? My mind is focused within my family. My mom, my dearest Kelsey… Chi.
I love being home, I mean, I can’t explain how I felt… but it’s a sweet feeling of being with the house where I grow up, the smell of familiarity… the sound of the rain when it falls… the sunset… the streets the people.
It’s been long since I’ve been away from my family, but I have to. I have to build a career of my own, find my life’s purpose and make myself worthy of being alive.
I just hate the thought that someday I might wake up and realized I have done nothing at all! It’s a horror and a great dismay for me. Disaster!
 It’s just like yesterday, and it’s funny though, that time runs so fast. Looking back… it’s awesome. And sometimes I smiled and thank God for the blessings, the gift and the guidance.
MY life wasn’t perfect of course, but in my own little way, it’s enough. I’ve been taught to count each blessing… and each blessing is a gift, to cherish and nurture.
Kelsey is my little angel, she makes me smile. I thank God for the life, my mom’s cancer is like a reminder for me, to cherish each moment, for you’ll never know until when life’s end will come.
Chi, thank you for being there, I never see you coming, it’s like I wake up one day and saw you there smiling in front of me… reaching out your hand saying… you’ll always be there. Maybe God sent you too… for that I must be very grateful, I am not the best there is, but I felt Love from all the best persons in life… and that makes me feel Blessed and special. Thank you.